Friday, July 21, 2017

Riding Wisconsin - Ledge Park

Another favorite short ride spot for coffee and a picnics is Ledge Park in Dodge county. I'm always surprised at how close it is when it seems so far away. The high cliff in the middle of the flatland (not really flat around there) is unusual. Gene decided to ride his 1963 BSA Star in preparation for his entry in the Tour de Elegance at the lakefront. 

I've known this bike for almost as long as I've known Gene. It has Personality. It presented this during the day with gushing pools of gasoline, intermittent starting, and abrupt shutoffs. To be fair, it's usually pretty well behaved.

Although we made it to Ledge and started back, we cashed in our chips when passing Dodge County Cycle. They kept an eye on it while Gene hopped on the back of my bike to go for the van. I haven't had a passenger for a long time and Gene hasn't been one for a long time. Guess that equals out in a wobbly way.

The view from Ledge Park

Another view at Ledge Park

The view at Dodge County Cycle

BSA Secured for an air conditioned ride home

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