Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Havre, Montana

It was HOT today.  100 degrees wore us out and at around 350 miles we called it quits and got a motel with AC.  Besides, we've been camping for 4 days and the laundry was stating to fester.  I'm also blowing fresh motor oil on the left side of the bike, originating somewhere the oil tank.  The level isn't going down, but it's getting messy.  I's nice to be indoors for a change.  The laundry is done and smells different and  I have a service appointment at a shop in Calgary.

Some photos from the journey so far:

Yes, there really is a Jolly Green Giant

Where we camped the first night out.  It all looks good after this.

They're into Corn in MN

Across the street from one of our coffee stops

Camping in North Dakota. Fortunately the oil roustabouts don't have tents, leaving the grass for us.

Sculpture in a artsy garden near our camp

Wide load??

Washing machine collection at the Montana Visitor Center museum

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