Thursday, July 11, 2013

Fairbanks, AK Lead-Bottom Mile 4114

Out of the bleak Yukon today and back in to the USA. Magically the bad roads turned good and the rain stopped, just barely.  Again, not much to photo today since it was cold and cloudy.  Oh, let me sing of GorTex and Gerbing.  When planning the trip, the trip planning software said 3,800 mikes.  We've actually traveled 4,114 just to Fairbanks.  Must be all those wrong turns Gene has warned me about.

A much better Yukon sign between Alaska and Canada then the one on the BC border so I took more photos.  I have to admit, the Yukon sign entering from BC is more appropriate for the place.  Not much going on there at all.

And just to add something different, I've included links to some helmet-cam videos that aren't very good or exciting.  The first one is the grand tour of Beaver Creek, YT, where we rented a room to dry out.  They ran the room heat from a central wood stove from 8:00 - 10:00.  Good thing we weren't cold and wet . . .  Don't blink too long.  Where do these folks get groceries?  The closest town is 100 miles in either direction and they aren't any bigger.

The second one is a lake in the crappy weather.  How nice.

Bench at the border

Nice sign!

Not as appropriate as the first Yukon sign

Now I've logged all 50 states!

Construction aftermath

Had a Grand Slam at the most northern Denny's. I think that's a dog sled on top of the sign, not sure.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like a dog sled to me Jonathan...