Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Jefferson National Forest, VA

Met up with RH & PJ for almost 200 miles or riding in the National forest.  About 2/3 of the ride was off-pavement.  Having grown up in the area, RH really knows those roads!  If it wasn't for the GPS, I would have never known where we went.  I waypointed several great spots to revisit later.

Many of the roads were washed out and rutted, but all the new lighting mounts held.  I'll count the day as a test.  We never made the obligatory coffee stop, I guess tradition must break occasionally.  On the way back home, I dawdled on more dirt roads.  Coming up the road to the house I felt the unmistakable squishiness of a flat tire.  I think now is the time to try the Slime fix.  When I change the tire/tube, I'll just have to be prepared to clean up a big green mess in the garage.  It will make a great photo!

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